Monday 15 April 2024

Night drives and train station walks- just lovely

 I enjoy night drives -about 1 or 2 hours each time, ideally once or twice a month. The roads are much quieter with fewer cars and traffic hold-ups. The short stops at petrol stations with the lone worker check-out attendant, whom you or I pay to if purchase any snack or drink to accompany the night sojourn is polite, awake, multi-lingual with a strong foreign accent, usually male...

R e l a x i n g - A t m o s p h e r i c - S o u n d s - C Z L H F - L a ...

Saturday 15 July 2023

Early morning-wide awake!

How to combat bum pain Too much sitting especially in the freezing winter is detrimental to gut health. The bum starts hurting. One way to relieve the pain is to kneel on your knees, push your hands especially elbows on the bed and stay in this position for several hours in a warm room. You should begin to feel no more bum pain.