Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Significance of dreams

Just before I wake up for the new day, I sometimes remember the current dream hanging around; in my life. I now, normally chat about the dream with my husband and my daughter-in-law when we get a chance to catch up. Research, prayer and meditation also assist me; in mulling over the meaning of the dream. I started with jotting down the details of the dream, if vivid on waking up in an exercise book near me. Then, I progressed to taking note of the flow and aspects involved in the dream by filling in the empty spaces of a work-book written to help dreamers, readers and enthusiasts to regulate and record the number and possible meanings of dreams.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

I have been reading and sharing about ghosts and hauntings. Hauntology could be a field you might want to spend some time getting into. Transference of souls and walk-ins is a consideration should you have to spend time with changed characters around you.

A short and cool morning shower will help wake you up to do good work and have a productive day.

I do not like consuming groceries and food past their shelf-lifes or cheapened because of a bump even if cheaper by a few dollars. I do not compromise my well-being for a few dollars of savings.